20 April 2018
Insurance Customer Service Portal
Benchmark Insurance Group of Texas
Insurance Request Portal
Benchmark Insurance Group of Texas is the leading risk management insurance brokerage for businesses of all sizes. Capabilities include providing the industry’s lowest premiums from top-rated insurance companies, first class service, and in-house claims consulting to offer representation when claims do occur.
Throughout the term of a policy, customers often make requests for staff to add properties, remove properties, change coverage limits, as well as other miscellaneous tasks. At the time, these requests were being performed by word of mouth and there was no paper trail of requests made by customers in the past.
We created a solution for them that serves as a self-service portal for their customers to make changes to their policy. As these changes cannot be made without the agents discretion, there is also an administrative portal that sits on the other end of this website. The administrative portal allows agents to review and process requests. Clickficks strives to automate business processes and create tools to help your staff provide a better customer experience.